
At the moment Copper only allows to open Eagle CAD files in XML format (which is the standard file format provided by Eagle 6+). If you have an older, binary Eagle file, you will have to open it in Eagle CAD 6+ and save in XML format.

Other file formats are not supported at the moment. We plan to implement additional file format support in 2016, but have not decided on a definite roadmap yet.

In .brd files layers for schematics are often disabled. There is a bug in Copper 1.1.1 and below that does not activate Schematic layers when loading a design for the first time. This will be fixed in the next released (1.1.2). Activate the PCB tab in Inspector and activate the layers named Nets, Symbols, … shown in the Schematics section. Then your Schematics will be displayed.

If 3D shows a corrupted 3D model then it’s most likely that your outline of your board (Layer 20, Dimension) is not closed and/or not connected correctly. Eagle does not have a data structure that prevents that. Instead, Eagle just saves lines with start and end points, loosely saved in it’s file. Copper needs to extract a connected outline from that to be able to extrude that outline in depth in order to get a nice PCB board and struggles sometimes with specific situations.

Please make sure, that:

  • Your outline ist closed, i.e. someone walking on the line should be able to come back where he started without leaving the line.
  • Please make sure all points lie on the exact same point. Use Eagles grid features to make that sure. In Eagle 1.1.2 (which is not yet released at time of this writing) we will introduce a new feature that is less picky regarding this.

If you keep on having problems “importing” your board in 3D mode, please write an email to support@copper-app.com and attach the .brd file.

When opening your board in Coppers 3D viewer you keep getting an error that your board Dimension is not closed. The reason is quite simple: As most PCB manufacturers Copper also needs a closed outline built with the “Wire” tool in Eagle on Layer 20 (Dimension). When moving around the wires other connected wires should follow.

If you have this board outline, then the 3D viewer will be able to procedurally produce a 3D representation of your board. If not, please don’t hesitate to contact support and please attach your Eagle .brd file (you may create a special file by removing all components and just leaving the board outline).


Yes, it’s possible to import STEP models of (custom) parts. You can even assign your own materials. More info can be found here: Importing CAD models.

No, that is not possible. Consider Copper more a viewer than an editor, although it let’s you create whole 3D scenes from your board and edit your board in many different ways. But Copper will only attach new items to your parts and signals, previously created with EAGLE, it does not allow to edit them.

But it’s possible to run Copper and EAGLE the same time, and Copper will integrate any change you do on your EAGLE board in real time. As Copper uses it’s own file to store settings there will also be no version conflicts.