
Finally: 1.3 is on its way

Just to let you know! We finally managed to solve our app distribution issues. We will have to do some code cleanup as all the changes we made in the past to fix the issue must be consolidated and we have to do some final tests. We'll upload version 1.3 next week to Mac App Store and our own store. Apple has been cut review times quite a lot so we hope you can update to Copper 1.3 by the end of next week! Thanks for waiting so patiently for the next version. It's coming now!

We’ll get there, but takes time…

This is just a short update of what happened the last months and why we still have not been able to finally push 1.3 to the public. As you know, 1.3 comes with a lot of new features. The single most important feature is STEP import. I have detailed this in the last blog posts so this is just a quick recap: STEP is massive. It's an overly complex file format and data structure. As I didn't want to write an importer from scratch I used the amazing OpenCascade package. This has been complex and time consuming enough to integrate in [...]